Joel assists individuals and families throughout Minneapolis, Edina, St. Paul, and the surrounding communities with estate planning, cabin planning, trust administration, probate, planning for loved ones with special needs, family business succession planning, and planning for children.
Joel enjoys teaching Minnesotans about the importance of having a good estate plan in place. Joel frequently presents free public educational seminars to explain the benefits of estate planning and to help clients decide what type of estate plan (i.e., Will, Living Trust, Cabin Trust, Powers of Attorney, Healthcare Directives) makes sense for their personal situations.

While nobody wants to think about death or disability, establishing an estate plan is one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones. Proper estate planning not only puts you in charge of your finances, it can also spare your loved ones of the expense, delay and frustration associated with managing your affairs when you pass away or become incapacitated.
Fighting over the family cabin after the parents are gone is a far too common occurrence here in Minnesota. These are more than disagreements, they are pending litigation matters. These fights all too often devastate relationships between siblings. The Cabin Trust is an estate planning tool that lays out the parameters of use including detailed rules on equity, taxes, expenses, maintenance, labor, leasing/renting arrangements, and responsibilities for the family cabin.

A good estate plan will do more than help our loved ones after we’re gone; it will also give them the tools and guidance they need to care for us if we are ever incapacitated and unable to make decisions for ourselves.